Hurricane Updates
Guidelines for debris placement

Hurricane Sally Archived Posts
Good afternoon Foley.
We’ve come a long way in the past three weeks. Cleanup work continues. Thankfully we’ve dodged another storm.
A majority of city buildings, including city hall, community development, the library, the welcome center and recreation buildings have been open.
For this weekend, the following will be open: The library is back to normal hours. The Depot Museum, the train ride around the park (weather depending) and Graham Creek Nature Preserve including the Interpretative Center and Miles’s Play Garden, the archery park, nature trails, playgrounds and Prairie disc golf course are all open. Pecan Hollow and the road to the kayak launch sustained significant damage and are closed for now. Their Haunted Forest event kicks off Oct. 10 at 7 pm. The dog park is open. The Holmes Medical Museum is also closed because of damages.
Debris Clean up continues. By the end of day Wednesday, Oct. 7, a total of 309,004 cubic yards of debris had been collected. There were 45 trucks on the road yesterday. They picked up 242 loads of vegetative debris. Also, 70 loads of construction and demo debris was collected. Officials estimate that within two more weeks the first sweep around the city will be completed. After the first citywide collection, the trucks will come back to every street for a second pickup, giving homeowners time to get debris out. Stumps will be last to be collected.
Garbage pickup will continue on the quadrant route. Please place cans on city roads, not in alleys. The recycling facility should be back online within a few weeks.
- Remember that the first 72 hours is on you. Each family needs to have enough water/food/meds – everything for the first three days. For more information for your list, click here.
- Sand and bags were available today at the Foley Public Works Dept. Although we are out of bags, residents are welcome to sand if you bring your own bags at E. 120 Orchid Ave, from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m tomorrow.
- In case of bad weather, there is no way to fully protect debris piles. It is helpful to place heavy items on top of loose debris to stabilize it as much as possible.
- City workers are concentrating on picking up debris in low-lying areas for the rest of this week in case of heavy rain, and are also working to get debris out of ditches.
- Debris cleanup continues. D&J Enterprises, the city’s debris collector had 49 trucks in operation on Monday, Oct. 5. They picked up 374 loads of vegetative debris, bringing the 15 day total for pickup to 270,261 cubic yards.
- Stumps. Stumps will be picked up separately, after the rest of the debris is gathered. The trucks will not mix trunks in with the other debris.
- Gov. Ivey declared a state of emergency for Baldwin County yesterday, and Mayor John Koniar also declared one for the city. This allows officials to get resources into place in case the storm comes this way.
- At this time, there are no evacuation orders in place for Foley residents.
- You will find information on what you need for a disaster supplies kit here.
Baldwin, Mobile, and Escambia counties were designated eligible for FEMA’s Individual & Public Assistance program under the Major Disaster Declaration signed by President Trump on Sept. 20, 2020, for damage and losses from Hurricane Sally that occurred beginning on Sept. 14, 2020. People can start registering on FEMA’s website for when FEMA is ready to process claims.
Individuals seeking assistance must register with FEMA before the assistance process can begin and can do so one of three ways:
- Call 1-800-621-3362
- Register online at
- FEMA app on your cell phone
IMPORTANT: You may qualify for FEMA assistance even if you have insurance. By law, FEMA cannot duplicate benefits for losses covered by your insurance. So, you need to file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible.
FEMA article -Baldwin, Mobile, and Escambia Counties eligible to apply for FEMA Assistance
FEMA Disaster Assistance Fact Sheet.pdf
FEMA Frequently Asked Questions
Baldwin County Commission Hurricane Sally Relief Information
Baldwin County EMA app on your cell phone
City News
City Hall and essential departments will be open Monday, Sept. 28. All city departments will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
The Foley Public Library is now open Monday – Saturday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Stop in to charge a phone or enjoy air conditioning.
The Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market will be closed this Saturday, Sept. 26. They will reopen next Saturday, Oct. 3.
Graham Creek Preserve pavilion and Miles’s Play Garden will be open Saturday, Sept. 26. The Interpretive Center, canoe launch, archery park, outdoor classroom and all disc golf courses remain closed. Wolf Creek Park also remains closed. The Interpretive Center will reopen Sept. 29.
The welcome center, depot museum, model trains and train ride are closed. Normal hours will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 29. The Holmes Hospital Museum sustained a lot of damage. A reopening date has not been set.
Garbage pickup will remain once a week using the following city quadrant routes for the next few weeks. The city is divided into four quadrants by Hwys. 59 and 98. The collection schedule is: Mondays – Southeast quadrant; Tuesdays – Northeast quadrant; Wednesdays, Northwest quadrant and Thursdays, Southwest quadrant. Please place cans where the trucks can reach them. Recycling is suspended at this time because the company that processes it is heavily damaged.
Utility Service
Riviera Utilities reports they have restored power to 97% of customers by 9 a.m. this morning. At 4 p.m. approximately 340 meters in the Foley area remain without service.
Baldwin EMC reported that as of 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 25, 362 meters remained without power across their system.
Debris Report
By the end of day Sept. 24, D&J Enterprises had picked up 46,552 cubic yards of vegetative debris from across the city. There were 32 trucks in operation on Thursday.
Foley POD Report
The Foley Point of Distribution served 6,380 cars over 8 days, from Sept. 18 – Sept. 25., distributing
- 2,960 cases of water
- 8,505 bags of ice
- 3,960 boxes of MREs
- 2,518 tarps
- 518 Food box meals (Feed the Coast)
- 257 Food Boxes fruits/veg (Feed the Coast)
- 257 bags of apples (Feed the Coast)
- 240 cases of water (Feed the Coast)
The POD was staffed by the National Guard Charlie Company 173rd Infantry, city employees from the public works and officers from the police department.
Getting a new roof? It is the responsibility of the roofer to take the old roofing materials to the landfill. They should not be put on the roadside for pickup.
City Departments
The Foley Public Library reopened today, with modified hours from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Saturday for now. The library offers computer workstations to provide online access and charging stations, as well as a cool place to be for those without utility service.
Foley City Hall is open. Hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (251) 943-1545. Graham Creek Nature Preserve, the welcome center, museums, and train ride around the park are closed.
Municipal Court
The Foley Municipal Court will reopen on Monday, Sept. 28. Court dates cancelled on Sept. 15 are being reset. Notifications of the new date(s) are being mailed on Thursday, Sept. 24. Many cases are reset for Oct. 20, 2020. Anyone who needs to make a payment can call on Monday at 251-952-4086. Tickets can be paid online at Court officials are taking the current situation into consideration and will assist as much as possible.
Riviera Utilities announced that the boil water notice has been lifted for all areas. In terms of electrical service, as of this morning they have restored power to 90% or 46,500 customers out of the 51,000 they serve. Currently there are approximately 600 crews assisting in the restoration efforts.
Baldwin EMC reports that they have restored service to more than 76,000 meters, which is approximately 95% of their system. In the Foley/Beach Express area there are 165 meters remaining without service as of 9:30 on Thursday morning.
Debris Collection
Yesterday there were 32 debris trucks collecting piles of debris from across the city. As of end of day Wednesday, they had collected 31,419 cubic yards of debris in three days from our streets.
Point of Distribution for Essential Supplies
On Wednesday, the POD in Foley distributed 7 pallets of water, 5 pallets of ice, 10 pallets of tarps and 11 pallets of MREs. As power and other utilities have been largely restored and more stores are opening, the Foley Point of Distribution (PODs) will close on Friday at 4 p.m., unless supplies are depleted before that time.
Samaritan’s Purse, working from First Baptist Church Foley, is taking applications for cleanup assistance and installing temporary roof tarps. Those requesting assistance from Samaritan’s Purse please call the Crisis Cleanup Hotline at 1-800-451-1954 to get into the database.
County Offices
The Baldwin County Satellite Courthouse on Section Ave. in Foley is open. The number is 943-5061.
Baldwin County 28th Judicial Courts/Circuit Clerk will reopen Thursday, Sept. 24. All jury trials scheduled through the end of September are cancelled, per Judge J. Clark Stankoski, Presiding Circuit Judge of the 28th Judicial Circuit.
Public Service Notice
Please beware of scams. Any email correspondence from FEMA or SBA will come from official email addresses – or DO NOT give personal or case number information via email to anyone claiming to be with FEMA or SBA if they are using a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, or other email service (,,
Foley City Hall is open. Hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (251) 943-1545. The library, welcome center, museums and train ride around the park are closed for the rest of the week.
- Riviera Utilities announced that they are lifting the boil water notice for water customers south of County Road 24. The boil water notice is still in effect for water customers north of County Road 24 until Friday, Sept. 25, at 5p.m.
- Riviera Utilities reports the number of meters in Foley still without service today is down to about 2,000. Thank you to these crews for their dedicated work to get service restored.
- Baldwin EMC reports that 267 meters remain without service in the Foley area as of 2 p.m. today. Looking good!
- On Tuesday, Foley’s POD serviced 1,069 cars. They distributed 13 pallets of MREs, 4 pallets of ice; 10 pallets of water and 9 pallets of tarps. Thank you to the National Guard Charlie Company 173rd Infantry for their assistance in keeping this site moving!
- Area grocery stores, including Publix, Winn Dixie and Piggly Wiggly are open. Walmart is also open.
- Many area restaurants are open. See the City Municipal Government Facebook page or city website for a continuously updated list of restaurant openings.
- At the end of day Tuesday, Sept. 22, the city’s debris contractor D&J Enterprises had picked up approximately 16,330 cubic yards of vegetative debris. Please separate piles for vegetative, construction & demolition (C&D), white goods (appliances and furniture), hazardous (paint/chemicals/poisons) piled at the edge of the property along the street. The trucks will make two passes across the city. It will take several weeks to complete the first pass across the city before they begin the second.
- The City of Foley Revenue Department is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding contractors and service type businesses offering their services in Foley. (251) 943-1545, M-F, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Each contractor/service/business needs a City of Foley business license. We do not require insurance but we do ask for copies and keep them on file. An updated list of contractors
- Please be aware of the following Alabama requirements:
- Roofing contracts of more than >$2,500 requires a Roofing Certificate from the ALABAMA Board of Homebuilders.
- Home repair contracts of more than >$10,000 requires an ALABAMA Homebuilders Licensure Certificate.
- Plumbing contracts require MASTER certification from the ALABAMA Plumbers Board.
- Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration contracts require certification from the ALABAMA Board of HVAC.
- Electrical work will require certification from the ALABAMA Board of Electrical Contractors.
- The following area hotels are confirmed as open, however they report limited availability: Home2 Suites by Hilton, TownePlace Suites by Marriot, Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Hampton Inn, Comfort Suites, Riviera Inn, America’s Best Value Inn & Suites, and Cornerstone Lodge. See for the list of hotels, addresses, websites and phone numbers.
- Graham Creek Nature Preserve sustained substantial damage from Hurricane Sally. At this time, the Interpretive Center, all disc golf courses, playgrounds, kayak launch, the archery park and trails are closed. Philomene Holmes Blvd and the Memorial Tree Boardwalk are open.
- In other city parks, the Dog Park is open; playgrounds at Aaronville and Beulah Heights are open; at Heritage Park there are many trees down but the sidewalks are open for walking; The Foley Kids Park and Griffin Park are closed. The Nature Trail at Mel Roberts Park is closed.
- Several traffic signals across the city are not working. These intersections should now be treated as a 4-way stop. Please use caution.
- Don’t get taken. Fraud can be reported to the Foley Police Department at (251) 943-4431, or to the State of Alabama Department of Insurance at (334) 241-4166.
- Information regarding FORTIFIED Homes is available on the City of Foley website.
Thank you to everyone who has been working continuously since Hurricane Sally visited our city. This has been a trying time. Pulling together, we are getting there! Keep your chin up. Much progress has been made!
- Foley City Hall is open. The number is 943-1545. The library, welcome center, museums and Graham Creek Nature Preserve Visitor Center are closed. Most will be closed for the rest of the week.
- Garbage pickup is on a new schedule this week. Monday – southeast quadrant of the city, Tuesday, northeast quadrant of the city, Wednesday – northwest quadrant of the city and Thursday, southwest quadrant of the city. Recycle service is suspended for now as the company that processes this was heavily damaged.
- Foley does not have a curfew.
- Baldwin EMC reports that in the Foley area about 500 meters remain without service. They assure customers that they are working hard and are almost there.
- Riviera Utilities reports that almost 2,500 customers in the Foley area are still without service. They also recommend that residents continue to boil water for human consumption. Local and out of town crews continue to work long hours to restore service.
Debris Pickup
- On Monday, Sept. 21, debris contractors in Foley picked up 4,323.9 cubic tons of debris from Foley neighborhoods. There were 24 trucks in the operation. Please sort piles into separate types such as vegetative, construction & demolition, appliances and furniture. Please see graphic.
- On Monday, Sept. 21 the POD at the Foley Sportsplex serviced 988 cars. 13 pallets of MREs, 8.5 pallets of water and 7 pallets of ice were distributed.
- Check the City of Foley Municipal Facebook page for updates on water, ice, tarp and MRE distribution.
- For a list of area restaurants that are currently open, please click here.
- Hours for local grocery stores today and probably the next few days are: Publix 7 am – 6 pm; Winn Dixie 7 am – 6 pm; Piggly Wiggly is open from 8 am – 6 pm. Walmart is open but has limited food at this time due to damages.
FEMA – Baldwin County has been approved by FEMA for Individual and Public assistance to those impacted by Hurricane Sally. There are three ways to register with FEMA before the assistance process can begin:
- Call 1-800-621-3362
- Register online at
- FEMA app on your cell phone
- Reminders:
- Baldwin County is under a burn ban until Oct. 31.
- Intersections without a working traffic signal should be treated as a 4-way stop.
- Baldwin County Schools will remain closed until Sept. 31.
Yesterday Foley’s sanitation crews worked from dawn until dusk and picked up a total of 158.65 tons of garbage. Add that to Saturday’s total of 75 tons for a weekend total of 233.65 tons of garbage! The average daily pickup is 40 tons, so this department went above and beyond to take care of city residents. The new garbage schedule of pickup by city quadrant begins today. Recycling is suspended until the city vendor, who received significant damage, comes back online. Please don’t burn garbage. Please don’t use blue recycle cans. The crews will get to all green cans they can reach with the big trucks. In some places the debris is hindering pickup.
Debris Pickup
The first pass through neighborhoods for debris pickup begins today and will take several weeks. Trucks
will be back for a second pass.
Foley has been a Tree City for over 40 years. The city received word today that we have been awarded a grant of live trees from the Arbor Day Foundation. This is a beginning to replace the many beautiful trees that were lost in the storm.
Half a truck of MRS’s arrived at the Foley POD this morning. They were distributed along with water and ice.
See the attached list of Foley restaurants that are open here.
OWA reports that Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen (Sunday – Thursday 11 a.m. – 8 pm; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.), Lucy’s Retired Surfer Bar (opening Tuesday, 9/22 from 11:30 a.m. – 9 p,m, daily) and Groovy Goat (11 a.lm. – 8 p.m. Sunday – Thursday; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.) restaurants are open.
Riviera Utilities reports that as of today (9/21/20 @ 11:00A), they have restored power to roughly 31,500 meters and have still have 19,000 to go. Currently, there are approximately 400 linemen and vegetation management personnel assisting in the restoration efforts.
Baldwin EMC reports that as of 9:30 a.m., they have restored power to approximately 56,000 meters, which is more than 70% of their system. 21,870 meters remain without power due to Hurricane Sally.
Please remember to treat intersections with non-working traffic signals as four-way stops.
City officials and departments have worked throughout the weekend and are happy to say that cleanup is moving along at a brisk pace and power is being restored. There are many reports of neighbors helping each other. We know from experience that we are all in this together and that we will get through this.
FEMA – Baldwin County has been approved by FEMA for Individual and Public assistance to those impacted by Hurricane Sally. There are three ways to register with FEMA before the assistance process can begin:
1. Call 1-800-621-3362
2. Register online at
3. FEMA app on your cell phone
City – Foley City Hall will open on Monday at 8 a.m. The regularly scheduled council meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in the civic center. The library, welcome center, Holmes Medical Museum, Railroad Museum and Model Trains, senior center and Interpretive Center at Graham Creek will be closed on Monday. Reopening will be announced.
Power – Baldwin EMC reports they have restored power to 46% of their system. Thousands are still without power due to Hurricane Sally. All 22 of their substations are now energized. Riviera Utilities reports that 19,600 customers have had service restored within the past 48 hours. Both companies are fighting a historic level of downed trees. Each has linemen plus out-of-town partners helping to restore service as soon as possible. Water from Riviera Utilities for consumption needs to be boiled through Sept. 25. Thank you to all utility workers who are putting in long hours to restore service.
Streets – City officials report that 95% of Foley’s streets have been cleared. Streets and alleys that have debris entangled with power lines remain to be cleared. Thank you to the city street and sanitation departments for putting in long hours to get to this point so quickly.
Food – Hours for local grocery stores today and probably the next few days are: Publix 7 am – 6 pm; Winn Dixie 7 am – 6 pm; Piggly Wiggly is open from 8 am – 6 pm. Walmart received extensive damage and is not open at this time.
Restaurants – A list of restaurants that we are aware are open at this time can be found here.
Ice/Water – The POD on Ralph Schumacher Lane near the Foley soccer complex, 1.5 miles west of downtown, will be open on Monday from 9 am until 4 pm. They are distributing ice and water. Hopefully the site will receive more tarps and MREs, but are out at this time. About 1,140 cars came through this site for assistance. Today, 254 pallets of water, 19 pallets of ice, and hundreds of food boxes and MRE’s were distributed.
Garbage pickup – Pickup began Saturday and continued today. On Saturday, 75 tons of garbage were collected. Today, the trucks are still out and will be until dark. On an average day, 40 tons is collected. The garbage trucks cannot enter streets that are blocked by storm debris. Please try to place cans away from debris piles so the truck can make a pickup.
On Monday, garbage routes will change to increase efficiency for city-wide pickup. The routes are city quadrants divided by Hwy 59 and Hwy 98. Monday – Southeast quadrant; Tuesday – Northeast quadrant; Wednesday – Northwest quadrant; Thursday – Southwest quadrant. Recycle service is suspended for now as the company that processes this was heavily damaged.
Debris – Contractors will start debris pickup on Monday. It is estimated to take weeks to do citywide pickup. And, if yours is not out tomorrow, it is ok. They will be back later for a second pass. Please see the graphic for separating different types of debris, and the full explanation in Update #4 for how this process will work.
Contractors – Beware of out-of-town contractors. All contractors must have a city license. Please call to confirm licensing or ask questions. That city office has been open throughout the weekend, until 5 pm today, then 8 – 5 normal hours beginning Monday. 251-970-5015 or 970-5014. Or email
*We would like to take a moment to explain the hurricane cleanup process as we expect it to proceed over the next few weeks. This does not affect your garbage service in the green cans, only storm debris of the following types: C&D (construction type debris), white goods (major appliances), and limbs/yard debris. Please be aware that no mixed piles are allowed – all item types must be in distinct and separate piles or they cannot be picked up. Check the following infographic for an example of how debris should be placed.
Foley has hired a contractor that is already actively working with our crews to clear the streets as quickly as possible. To date, most streets are clear of debris piles that do not have powerline entanglement, but we must wait for the power companies to clear the remaining piles to ensure that they are safe for our workers and contractors to handle.
Over the next few weeks:
Starting Monday and continuing over the next few weeks, the contractor will begin picking up debris. This pickup will be considered the “first pass”. We are not able to give you a better estimated date of pickup as there are too many variables, but do not worry if you are unable to have all of your storm related debris out at the roadside for this round of collection, there will be a “second pass” to follow this one.
In about a month:
After the first pass is completed, they will start back over and cover the whole city a second time picking up debris that has been placed at the curb during the interim timeframe. Please work to have all your items out for pickup for this second and final pass. If you place items out to the curb after the second pass has been completed, it will need to comply with the City Ordinances for the pile size maximum of 6 cubic yards per week, and the debris size maximums of 6 inches in diameter and 6 feet in length. If your pile size exceeds the maximum after the second pass, we will have to pick it up and it will incur the City’s standard fees for special pickups. If the debris sizes are exceeded, you will be required to have it hauled off yourself.
*Garbage pickup began today. Saturday and Sunday pickups are random according to neighborhoods that the sanitation trucks can access. Due to extensive damage on Monday a new garbage pickup schedule will begin to allow the most expedient and efficient pickup. The city will be divided into 4 quadrants, with Hwy 59 and Hwy 98 as the boundaries. If the road is impassible for large trucks, the city cannot pickup. Do your best to make your can accessible for the truck. The pickup schedule will be in effect indefinitely: On Monday the southeast quadrant (south of 98, east of 59) will be picked up; On Tuesday, the northeast quadrant (north of 98, east of 59); On Wednesday, the northwest quadrant (north of 98, west of 59); On Thursday, the southwest quadrant (south of 98, west of 59). Recycling is suspended until further notice as the company who takes it has extensive damage. Please do not use recycle cans for garbage. Please do not burn garbage.
* With rain comes mosquitos. Foley began mosquito spraying on Friday, Sept. 18, and will continue daily as long as conditions allow.
* The business permitting office at Foley City hall will be open on Sunday from 9 am until 4 pm to allow contractors to purchase business licenses. Contractors must be licensed. Ask for a copy of the contractors license that will include the mayors signature and the city logo.
* Electricity is coming back online with progress daily. Please be patient as local and out-of-town crews are working around the clock to restore power. Thank you to those who are working so hard to get our city back up and running.
* Baldwin EMA shares that a group called Crisis Clean Up connects volunteers who are willing to do work such as debris removal and putting tarps on houses with those who cannot do this themselves. Call 1-800-451-1954.
*VOAD – Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster – would like to help anyone who is interested in volunteering with organizations who need help. Volunteer reception centers will be set up at the PZK Hall in Robertsdale on Monday, and also in Gulf Shores at the Gulf Shores United Methodist Church from 9 – 6 on Monday.
*Please stay off roads if at all possible. We are seeing reports where sight see’ers are hindering utility crews who are working to restore power.
* Again the entire county is under a No Burn Ban. Please do not burn debris or household garbage.
We know it has been an incredibly difficult week for the residents of our amazing city. We want you to know the City is working full-steam to assist you.
*City crews have been out working to clear roads and have begun garbage pickup.
*This Facebook page will continue to share as many timely posts regarding supply distribution so please continue to check back.
*We are blessed to have partners like @Riviera Utilities and @Baldwin EMC working around the clock to restore power and water.
*While situations like this often bring out the generosity in people, it also brings out the worst in some. Please be careful and stay diligent when hiring contractors to conduct repairs on your home or business.
– Make sure ANYONE doing repairs to your home or business can show you a City of Foley Business License. It will be hot pink, signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, and feature a City Logo.
– For roof repairs more than $2,500, make sure the contractor has a State of Alabama Roofing License.
– For any structural repairs more than $10,000 make sure the contractor has a State of Alabama Homebuilders License.
*Grocery stores continue to operate on adjusted schedules, please contact them for further information. At this time:
– Walmart sustained damage and is closed
– Publix is open
– Winn Dixie is open
– Many grocery stores north of Foley are open
*We are hearing reports of carbon monoxide poisoning related to improper use of generators. Please follow all manufacturer’s regulations and stay safe.
* Tarps, water, ice and MRE distribution
These items will be distributed as they become available at the Foley Soccer Fields off Hwy. 98. Directions: Access Cater Lee Way using either Co. Road 65 or N. Hickory Street, then south on Ralph Schumacher Lane. No access from Hwy. 98. These items will be available for free as long as they last. Distribution will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19.
* Commercial sanitation is being picked up on a priority basis (those
who need it first) Friday and Saturday (September 18 and 19). We are working to empty every dumpster – this will take time. If your dumpster is damaged, please email Jamie Smith at
* The City Hall Revenue Department will open Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 19 and 20 from 8am – 5pm issuing business licenses to contractors, businesses and individuals who perform services in the city limits of Foley.
* The city suggests that residents verify that contractors have a city business license before having work done by a company that you do not k is. Please email or for more information. Also, you may visit our website for Application for a business license and email the form to us.
Regarding business licensing
PSA: Each contractor, business or individual soliciting business in the City of Foley is REQUIRED to have a business license with the City of Foley.
Business licenses issued by the City of Foley does NOT guarantee the work or job – it simply allows businesses to operate and we have a record of information on the business or individual.
We do NOT require proof of insurance – YOU SHOULD ASK THE BUSINESS/INDIVIDUAL for this information.
Call 251-943-1545 on or after Monday, September 21 and ask for Revenue to verify a business has a business license.