Community Development
The mission of the Community Development Department is to provide for orderly and controlled growth for its citizenry and to provide superior customer service in matters relating to development. We constantly strive to ensure that all codes, ordinances and other regulations are met for the health, safety and well-being of Foley citizens.
The Community Development Department deals with day-to-day as well as long-range planning. We serve the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals, the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, the Historic Commission, the Mayor and City Council, and the citizens of Foley.
Community Development Department
120 S McKenzie Street
Foley, AL 36535
251-952-4011 (Phone)
251-943-6903 (Fax)
Foley Community Development
Staff & Contact Information
Miriam Boone
CDD Director/Planner/Building Official
Eden Lapham
Planner I
Melissa Ringler
Planning & Zoning Coordinator
Amanda Cole
Planning & ZoningAssistant
Patsy Benton
Permit Technician
Tiffany Schoen
Administrative Assistant
Gene Williamson
Building Inspector
Nathan Smith
Building Inspector
Doug Hayes, CFM
Building Inspector
Automated Inspection Line
Call 251-970-2331 to schedule an inspection.
Adopted Codes
Building Code Ordinance
Permit Fees
Fee Schedule
Impact Fees
Impact Fee Ordinance
Online Portal
City of Foley Contact List for Developers/Contractors
What will the permit cost be?
The Inspections Division follows a pre-determined fee schedule. See Fee Schedule above for your permit type.
How long will it take to process the application?
The time frame varies according to complexity of the project. On average it is seven to ten days. You will be notified by email when your permit is ready to be printed. It can be foundin your Citizenserve account on the documents page.
How much time is needed to schedule an inspection?
We prefer at least a 24-hour notice for scheduling inspections.
Flood Ordinance 24-2006
Application for Permit to Develop in a Special Flood Hazard Area
Am I in a floodplain?
Application for Flood Determination Letter
National Flood Insurance Program/floodsmart
For questions, contact:
Nathan Smith, Building Inspector
For questions, contact:
Melissa Ringler, Planning & Zoning Coordinator
The Foley Historical Commission was established to oversee the Local Downtown Historic District. The duties of the commission include approving changes to the façade of buildings within the district and recommending additional properties to the City Council that demonstrate the historical significance for inclusion.
If your building is located within the Historic District and you need to make a change to the exterior, please fill out the Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness below and return it to Community Development. Staff is available to answer any questions you might have. Certain routine maintenance and other improvements may be approved by staff. Other more involved changes will be considered at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Foley Historical Commission.
The Façade Improvement Incentive Grant is also available in the National Register Historic District and the Main Street District. Please see map below to identify your property.
Local Downtown Historic District and National Register Historic District Map
Main Street District Map
Foley Downtown Historic District Design Guidelines
Façade Grant Guidelines
2024 Meeting Schedule
Ordinance 1197-12
Detailed instructions for applying via Citizenserve (HC Application Instructions)
Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness and Facade Improvement Incentive Grant can be found on our online portal (Citizenserve) under “Planning & Zoning Applications.”
All Planning and Zoning, Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment and Appeals applications can be found on our online portal (Citizenserve).
Planning Commission
Planning Commission deadline schedule 2024
Board of Adjustment and Appeals
Board of Adjustment and Appeals deadline schedule 2025
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Foley
Comprehensive Land Use/Growth Plan
Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Annual Report
Roadway System Report
Foley Forward Plan
Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Subdivision Regulations
How do I determine my zoning district?
GIS Zoning Map
To determine the zoning district, confirmation of your location – such as a tax parcel identification number, for example – is needed.
What is allowed in a particular zoning district? What am I allowed to build?
The allowed uses vary depending on your zoning district. The Zoning Ordinance contains uses allowed, setbacks, area requirements and other information relating to the zoning district.
What size sign am I permitted to have?
Signage is determined by zoning district, which is based on your physical location. The Zoning Ordinance contains Sign Regulations.
What is needed to subdivide my property?
It varies based on the type of subdivision requested. The Subdivision Regulations contain information related to the process and requirements. The Engineering Department can answer specific questions regarding which application is appropriate. Planning Commission applications and deadline schedules are available on the website.