Foley Municipal Court

Foley Municipal Court is a criminal misdemeanor court that handles misdemeanors and traffic offenses that occur within the Foley City Limits. The court is here to provide for a fair and impartial hearing for all citizens charged with a city ordinance violation or state offense.

Location / Mailing Address
200 E. Section Avenue, Foley, AL 36535

Hours of Operation
The Foley Municipal Court is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Court is held on the first 3 Tuesdays and second Thursday of every month, unless there is a holiday.

Foley Municipal Court

Staff & Contact Information

Sandy Benefield
251-952-4086 (phone)
251-952-4088 (fax)

Roni Criswell, Municipal Court clerk/administrator
Cindy Jackson, magistrate III
Sandy Benefield, magistrate II
Kathy Robinson, magistrate II
Amber Resmondo, magistrate I
Shelby Pickern, magistrate I

Michael Dasinger, presiding judge

City Prosecutors
Warren Harbinson, prosecutor
Michael Hoyt, assistant prosecutor

To contact the Municipal Court, please submit your questions and/or comments below.