The city of Foley will appoint Cian Harrison as Executive Director of General Government/Administration on Monday during the city council meeting. The Foley City council work session and meeting begins at 4 p.m. at Foley City Hall.
Other items on the City Council agenda for the Monday meeting include:
- Hearing a proclamation recognizing the service of civic engineer Andrew Ernest James.
- Approving a petition for annexation and bringing property owned by Turf Properties, LLC into the city.
- Approving a petition for annexation for recently purchased property to be used as Mills Park into the city.
- Considering an ordinance to increase the project threshold amount for background checks for contractors.
- Considering an ordinance to amend the impact fees charged to new developments to fund city park, recreation and transportation infrastructure.
- Appointing an Executive Director of General Government/Administration.
- Administering the Oath of Office to new Executive Director of General Government Administration Cian Harrison.
- Approving an ABC License to Magnolia Meat and Grocery, LLC.
- Approving the purchase of a barricade trailer.
- Accepting an evidence item as donated equipment.
- Naming the Bon Secour River Headwater Project.
- Accepting the Community Oriented Policing Services FY23 Law Enforcement Agency De-Escalation Grant.
- Approving month bids.
- Waiving the fee for use of the Foley Civic Center.
- Updating city signatories and main contact for banks.
- Authorizing an unplanned Capital Project for ditch cleanout.
- Approving the purchase of a chemical monitor system.
- Approving Volkert’s proposal for school crosswalk improvements.
- Authorizing employees to enter property at 311 W. 5th Ave. to abate a public nuisance.
- Approving professional services for the Highway 59 and Myrtle Avenue pedestrian crossing project.
- Awarding a construction contract for the TAP grant for bicycle and pedestrian improvements.
- Approving additional for new restrooms at John B. Foley Park.
- Authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with ALDOT to widen and resurface the city portion of the Foley Beach Express.