The Foley City Council will meet in a joint regular/work session on July 18 at 4 p.m. at City Hall. During the meeting, the council will:

Have a public hearing on a public nuisance weed complaint and abatement at 510 E. Myrtle Avenue. The council will discuss approving city workers to enter the property to clean up the weeds.

Present three Beautifications Awards to Tabitha Pedalino of Mama Bear’s Bakery, John Davis of Our Coffee and Ricardo Venegas of Taco Fiesta.

Discuss making improvements to the WWII Memorial in John B. Foley Park.

Approving the payment of $5.2 million for various expenses in June.

Receive monthly reports for June on tax and permit plan review and from the Community Development Department, the police department, a quarterly report from marketing, fire department reports from May and June, a report on bids let in June and a grant status report.

Discuss reappointing Chad Watkins to the Foley Revitalization and Beautification Advisory Board and appointing Diane Bunch to an open spot on the board.

Discuss an increase in the budget for the Municipal Complex to pay for heating and air conditioning repairs.

Consider accepting a $2.5 million Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act grant to acquire land for the Foley Nature Parks Department.

Discuss setting a public hearing for a weed nuisance issue and abatement at 1101 S. McKenzie St.

Discuss a resolution authorizing Foley to join the state and other local governments in current and future opioid lawsuit settlements.

Consider using donated funds in the Depot Museum account to purchase a new train play set for $17,781 and additional $2,000 for prep work and materials.

Discuss a resolution to request donation of an artillery piece from the U.S. Army for display on city property.

Discuss approving a project to install a well and piping system to irrigate the fields at Mel Roberts Park.

Hear a request from the South Baldwin Literacy Council to waive development fees to the minimum to construct a 35-by-25-foot garage to include four tutor rooms and a large classroom at their location at 21441 U.S. 98. The group provides free reading tutoring services for children with reading disabilities and adults for GED and other related classes.

Consider approving a contract to design sidewalk and lighting improvements on South Juniper Street to the Foley Event Center at an estimated cost of $61,400 to Sawgrass Consulting. Sawgrass will also handle the bidding out of the project and construction inspection. According to a letter from Sawgrass to the city, the project will include 4,700 feet of a five-foot wide sidewalk to connect South Juniper and the Farmer’s Market to the Foley Event Center.

Discuss rescinding a resolution approving the use of Max Griffin Park by the Jehovah Witnesses to display free Bible literature and a new resolution to allow the displays in Max Griffin Park on Saturdays and Heritage Park on Fridays and Saturdays.

Consider the use of impact fees to buy two parcels of property on U.S. 98 near the Foley Sports Complex for $500,000.