Today Foley Mayor John Koniar announced the closing of all city buildings to the public, except for the lobbies of the Judicial Center and city hall, due to COVID-19 concerns. City employees will continue to work with customers and citizens through glass windows, maintaining social distancing practices. Visitors to both buildings are asked to practice social distancing, maintaining at least six feet between each other to prevent the spread of the virus. In addition to the services provided at these two buildings, employees of all departments will continue to serve citizens via phone, email and mail.
Police, fire and sanitation departments will continue essential operations. The lobby at the Justice Center remains open, the lobby at the Fire Department will open for emergencies, and the lobby of the sanitation department is closed.
The Community Development Department lobby is closed, but a locked box will be available outside the door so that documents can be deposited for staff review. Emailed permit applications and plans will be accepted as well.
These closings come in addition to the closure of city buildings that typically receive large numbers of visitors, which were closed earlier in the week. This includes the Foley Public Library, the Senior Center, the Railroad Museum and Model Train Exhibit, the Graham Creek Nature Preserve Interpretive Center, the Welcome Center, Holmes Medical Museum and the Foley Kids Park.
City updates are available at and on the City of Foley Municipal Government Facebook page.