Foley, Alabama – Foley’s Revitalization and Beautification Advisory Board invites the community to the city’s 42nd Annual Celebration of Arbor Day. The event will be held at the Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market, located at 20733 Miflin Road, at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, Feb. 25.
Foley is recognized as a Tree City and proudly promotes the planting of trees. Trees reduce erosion, cut heating and cooling costs, produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife and add beauty to our environment. The Alabama Forestry Commission, Baldwin County Master Gardeners and Certified Arborists will be on hand to answer any questions you have about trees. Boy Scout Troop 77 will assist in the distribution of trees. The winning posters will be on display from the Arbor Day Poster Contest. The Foley High School Air Force Junior ROTC will do the Presentation of Colors. There will be an assortment of trees in three gallon containers available, one per family please.
The City of Foley is happy to present two Century Tree Plaques to Mr. Harold Hamburg for his beautiful Live Oak Trees located at 18849 Charolais Road in Foley, Alabama.
Live Oak Trees will be dedicated and planted in memory of three special people who loved Foley and made our city a better place because of the time they spent here. Dedications will be made in memory of Mrs. Frances Underwood Lager, former House of Representatives Mr. Steve McMillan, and former City of Foley employee Mr. Douglas “Frog” Blackwell.