The Foley City Council will meet on April 4 at 4 p.m. at city hall and during the joint regular/work session, the council will:
Have a public hearing and first reading on rezoning two acres owned by FDR Properties from local business to single-family residential. It is located at 21311 County Road 12 South on the north side of the road and east of the Jehovah’s Witness Hall.
Have a public hearing and first reading to consider the planning commission’s recommendation to approve initial zoning of 1.03 acres owned by Gary Flowers to extended business district. The property is located south of County Road 12 South and west of State Route 59.
Read a proclamation naming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Proclaim Foley’s support for the South Baldwin Workforce Development Campus planned to help increase the number of workers for the hospitality industry and provide affordable housing.
Discuss a dog kennel project with Executive Director of Public Safety David Wilson.
Hear an update from Brenda Shambo on the flag pole project.
Hear from new author John Mullen on his book “100 Things To Do on the Alabama Gulf Coast Before You Die.”
Hear the first reading of an ordinance on the rezoning of property owned by David Smith from planned unit development to single-family residential. The 1.10-acre parcel is located at the northwest corner of Brinks Willis Road and James Road. A second public hearing date for this rezoning will also be discussed.
Hear the first reading of an ordinance lowering the speed limit to 25 mph on West Peachtree Avenue between North McKenzie Street and North Pine Street and Sinclair Street.
Hear the first reading of an ordinance changing several requirements in the building code for single-family, multi-family and commercial developments in the city. In one of the changes, applicants must submit a traffic analysis and letters of commitment from public utilities to service the development when submitting a site plan or asking for a rezoning. The council will discuss a second public hearing date for these ordinance changes.
Hear a first reading on an ordinance setting a maximum axle limit on Little Rock Road and Dailey Lane between Mills Road and County Road 65.
Discuss a resolution to approve a May Day community event at Beulah Heights Park by Brenda McGaster. It is planned to have food, music, tents and talent shows and is asking the city to provide access to electricity, a portable stage and extra trash cans. McGaster is also asking that all fees be waived for the use of the park.
Discuss a resolution to approve the use of the Local Drug Fund Account in the amount of $8,223 to buy three pairs of thermal binoculars.
Discuss a resolution amending the pay classification plan in the fire department to add three Fire Service Lieutenant positions. They will be filled by promotions within the department.
Discuss a resolution approving amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan and future land use maps in the southwest and northwest quadrants of the city.
Discuss waiving fees for the use of Heritage Park and Pavilion for Andrea Overstreet with Faith Tabernacle from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on May 21. There will be live music on the stage, tents for shade, tables and chairs and food trucks.
Discuss a resolution approving the city to seek statements of qualifications from architectural firms to be considered for the construction of a new Foley library.
Discuss a resolution to waive fees for the use of Heritage Park and Pavilion to Adrian Hill and Golden Knight General Konstruction for the annual Alzheimer’s remembrance walk and fundraiser. The event will be Sept. 10 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and include a potluck lunch after the walk.
Discuss a resolution approving the use of Heritage Park for the 2022 Witches Charity Ride after-party on Oct. 29. This ticketed event will include live music and two to three food trucks. Organizers want the city to provide barricades to enclose the area and the use of the fire department’s mobile lights. Also, the group wants an alcohol variance for the event but it will be a “bring your own” event. The group will have to hire two off-duty Foley police officers for security in order to have alcohol for the event.
Discuss resolutions to purchase a new 40-foot movie screen and a project for the marketing department. There is $20,000 budgeted for the screen but the only bid was from Deutsch for $21,773. But $10,000 was budgeted for the projector and the cost for it was $3,961 and the extra funds needed for the screen will be covered by the cost savings on the projector.
Discuss the rental of Heritage Park and Pavilion for the Foley Assembly Church for a Freedom Walk Benefit Fundraiser for the Adult and Teen Challenge of Alabama’s men’s center. The money raised will but used to help those with addiction to drugs and recovery. The event is May 14 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and the group will be grilling hotdogs to feed the participants for free.
Discuss a resolution to accept a 2013 Chevy Silverado from Baldwin County Circuit Judge Jody W. Bishop for use by the police department. The truck was part of seizures made in a case that was heard in Bishop’s court that also included $34,000 in cash.
Discuss a resolution to declare two police department vehicles as surplus and to dispose of them by the best method available. The vehicles are a 2010 Jaguar and a 2011 Ford Mustang.
Discuss buying the property where the Coastal Alabama Farmer’s and Fishermen’s Market property near the Wolf Bay Lodge and Moe’s Original Bar B Que.
Discuss the two changes in pay classification, one for Project/Risk/Airport Manager and a Purchasing Agent/Grants and Agreements Administrator. Airport Manager Rachel Keith was also the Grants and Special Agreements Administrator but will drop those duties and just be the Project/Risk/Airport Manager if the resolution passes. The EMA Director position will be moved to the Public Works department upon passage of the resolution.
Discuss the appeal of the denial of a business license for Rodney and Cheryl Schrimpshire for Semmes Towing and Recovery. The council voted on March 21 to deny the license based on violations of state code, a citizen complaint regarding a damaged vehicle and felony charges in Mobile.