FOLEY – The Foley City Council will conduct a special meeting Monday to accept the audited Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2024.
The special meeting will begin at 3 p.m. at Foley City Hall.
Foley has received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for 11 consecutive years.
Following the special meeting, the City Council will hold its regular work session and meeting. That meeting will begin at 4 p.m. at City Hall.
Items on the regular council meeting agenda include:
- Amending the single-member voting districts for the city of Foley.
- Declaring certain property surplus and no longer needed for municipal purposes and authorizing the transfer of the property.
- Rezoning property owned by Elbert and Bernice Hare from R1-A, residential single family, to Planned Unit Development.
- Declaring certain property surplus and no longer needed for municipal purposes and authorizing the transfer of the property.
- Approving a retail liquor license for First Watch Restaurant at 3060 S. McKenzie St.
- Approving a special events retail ABC license for the Mudbugs and Margaritas Festival at 200 N. McKenzie. St.
- Approving an off-premises retail beer and retail table wine license for Foley Depot operating under the trade name Krishna at 17960 U.S. 98 in Foley.
- Accepting the audited Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the 2024 Fiscal Year.
- Amending the pay classification for Nature Parks.
- Waiving the fees for the use of the Foley Civic Center for Boy Scouts Troop 77.
- Utilizing the remaining funds in the Main Street Pedestrian Wayfinding Project for the purchase of bicycle racks through Foley Main Street.
- Purchasing a John Deere gator and front-mount mower for the Street Department.
- Approving a capital purchase using restricted court cash from the MCJAF Fund to purchase three new heating and air conditioning units for the Foley Justice Center.
- Authorizing the president of the Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation to act as a proxy for the city of Foley at the regular annual membership meeting.
- Approving the application to the Alabama Department of Transportation Alabama’s Industrial Road and Bridge Corporation.
- Waiving fees for the use of Heritage Park and Pavilion on Sunday, Aug. 31, 2025 for a Drug Overdose Awareness Day by Michele Morgan with Big Fish Ministries.
- Soliciting bids for the new Foley Public Library’s audio-visual needs, appropriating funds for the project and appropriating additional fees to Williams Blackstock Architects.
- Memorializing the application for the American World War II Heritage Cities Grant program.
- Purchasing 10 police vehicles and equipment.
- Requesting approval to purchase a wind sculpture for the Rose Trail.