FOLEY – Drivers traveling on Juniper Street east of the Tanger Outlet Center will soon find their route easier to follow after the installation of street lights.

The Foley City Council voted Monday, April 17, to approve the installation of street lights from East Pride Drive to Miflin Road – Baldwin County 20.

Mayor Ralph Hellmich said the new lights will brighten the busy route and make traveling easier.

“That area is very dark and we’re working on a comprehensive lighting program down Stabler Way, the Farmers’ Market, down Koniar Way,” Hellmich said. 

Light poles were installed along the road in the past, but no lights were put up. Hellmich said using the poles will keep the cost low.

“This area already had existing poles that basically ran along the sidewalk on Juniper,” Hellmich said. “So, we talked to Riviera and asked could we not just utilize those. It would be very simple to just add street lights to it. There was already a circuit there. It was a cost-effective way of doing street lights without having to put all kind of poles into the ground.”

The total price listed for installation of the lights were $4,409.65. The city will also pay $200 a month for the operation of the lights. The lights will be LED lamps, which will reduce operations costs.

“It’s all LED,” Hellmich said. “Riviera was nice enough to work with us on this and so that’s what this is.”

Hellmich said the lack of illumination on the road has made travel difficult for some drivers.

“This will also help us right there where the intersection of Stabler and Juniper is,” Hellmich said. “It’s exceptionally dark there and it’s sometimes hard to find the entrance if you don’t know exactly where it is.”