The Foley City Council will have a combined work/regular session at 4 p.m. on March 7 at city hall. During the meeting, the council will:
Have a public hearing and second reading on the rezoning of property owned by Chen Realty located near the intersection of State Route 59 and County Road 20 South from business to residential multi-family. The parcel is just more than 23 acres according to Baldwin County tax records.
Have a public hearing and second reading on the rezoning of property owned by Terry Grant also near the intersection of State Route 59 and County Road 20 South from business to multi-family.
Give to oath of office to Wayne Dyess the incoming Executive Director of Infrastructure and Development. His appointment completes a redesign of the city’s organizational chart.
Hear a presentation of Pastor Joe Aldrete from Calvary Chapel on the Dream Center of Baldwin County. According to its website, the center seeks “To positively impact the youth in Baldwin County by helping them overcome the socioeconomic barriers preventing them from achieving success in academics and in the community.”
Read a proclamation commemorating the 50th anniversary of the United Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Have a discussion with Executive of Leisure Services Director David Thompson on the city’s special events policy.
Have a first reading and set a public hearing date on an ordinance change rezoning 1.97 acres on County Road 12 from business to single-family residential. The property is on the north side of County Road 12 between the Beach Express and State Route 59. The change received a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission in its Feb. 16 meeting.
Have a first reading and set a public hearing on an ordinance to approve the initial zoning of property owned by Flowers 8 to business. The Planning Commission gave the change a favorable recommendation at its Feb. 16 meeting.
Have a first reading of an ordinance declaring a small portion of an 81-acre parcel of real estate on Russian Road as surplus and no longer needed by the city and conveying that property to Baldwin County for the price of $10. The city is giving the county a small strip on the south boundary of the property for right of way to pave the county-maintained roadway.
Have a second reading to amend the ordinance on business licenses for smaller vendors who provide services to the city and gross under $2,000 a year to pay $20 for an annual license. The change would also apply to vendors at the Coastal Alabama Farmer’s and Fishermen’s Market who gross less than $5,000 a year. A city license would cost them $32 annually and apply only for the market on County Road 20 near Wolf Bay Lodge.
Discuss a resolution to approve a variance to allow for alcohol sales for a Chocolate and Cheese Festival at Heritage Park on Nov. 12 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. It will include food vendors and a food court tent, arts and crafts, a kids’ zone, live music, beer, wine and chocolate martinis. Organizers must hire off-duty police officers at the event because there will be alcohol sales.
Discuss a resolution waiving fees for the use of Heritage Park and Pavilion for Pastor Bill Curtin of Foley United Methodist Church for Sunday morning community worship gatherings April 10 through Sept. 4.
Discuss a resolution waiving fees for the use of Heritage Park and Pavilion for the Kiwanis Club Poker Run Fundraiser on April 30 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Discuss a resolution to approve pre-application and full application for a $3 million grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Environmental Benefit Fund for the Wolf Creek Headwaters Restoration Project phase 2. The is no match requirement from the city if the grant is approved.
Discuss a resolution declaring a 2018 Chevy Tahoe as surplus and requesting a replacement vehicle. The Tahoe was wrecked and totaled on Dec. 21. The police department is requesting to buy a Ford Interceptor for $42,000 from Stivers Ford.
Discuss a resolution accepting the Planning Commission approval of a temporary moratorium on exempt subdivisions “to establish procedures and standards for exemptions both within the corporate limits and planning jurisdiction of Foley.”
Discuss a resolution accepting the Planning Commission’s approval of subdivision regulation amendments “in an effort to regulate the minimum size of lots, the planning and construction of all streets, roads, drainage structures and to require proper placement of public utilities.”
Discuss approving the purchase of 2022 Peterbilt recycling truck for the Sanitation Department for $306,111 and a 2022 F600 Ford Dumpster Truck also for the Sanitation Department for $104,829.
Discuss buying six Chevy Tahoes for the police department with emergency equipment already installed at a price of $284,135. An amendment buying the vehicles and equipment separately and having it installed will have to be amended to purchase the fully equipped Tahoes.
Discuss accepting a bid from McElnenney Construction of $1.07 million for drainage work in downtown on the recommendation of Sawgrass Consulting which handled compiling the bids for the city. It was originally for $1.03 million but increases in the cost of materials and labor added $40,752 to the total cost.
Discuss a resolution approving the application for a grant from the Alabama Coastal Area Management program through the state’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to update the State Route 59 comprehensive plan. The grant is for $20,000 and requires a city match of $20,000. The grant requires the money to be used for pollution control, planning, education and outreach and public access improvement projects. The grant will be awarded in fiscal year 2022-23.
Discuss a resolution amending the pay classification for the Nature Parks Department and a new temporary position for the Environmental Department. The increase is to cover the costs of giving a full-time position to a former part-time employee.
Discuss adding Kelly O’Donnell as a signer onto the Bryant Bank Payroll Account.
Discuss transferring $20,000 from the capital budget to the Nature Parks operating account for repairs to the canoe launch and fishing pier at Graham Creek Nature Preserve.
Discuss approving street light installation on East Section Avenue near the walking trail. Riviera Utilities will install the new pole for $50 and charge a $9.50 monthly fee.
Discuss approving going out to bid for the Foley Pride Picket Park with staff plans to come back later and ask for funding after the bids are returned.
Discuss buying a new hybrid vehicle for the marketing department to replace a 2002 nonoperational Ford Windstar that was recently declared surplus by the council.
Discuss approving a one-day members only pop-up local arts and craft show April 9 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the alleyway behind the Foley Art Center and Foley Coffee Shop.
Discuss approving an application for an Alabama Coastal Area Management Program grant for $50,000, the maximum available under the grant program, to help cover the $275,000 for construction of Wolf Creek Park bathroom and playground.
Discuss approval to seek bids for a 40-foot inflatable movie screen for the Marketing Department to replace a 12-year-old screen that has been patched many times. There is $20,000 budgeted for the screen.
Discuss moving forward with the purchase for a music and movie projector for the Marketing Department. The projector is 12 years old as well and $10,000 has been budgeted for a new one.
Discuss approving pre-application costs for applying to receive a Hazard Mitigation Grant Project to strengthen Fire Station No. 1 with $10,000 requested for CMG Engineering for engineering work and $10,000 to Synergy for help with completion of the grant application. Those costs are potentially eligible for grant reimbursement.