The Foley City Council has asked city staff to move forward with drafting an impact fee ordinance to bring before the council for consideration. If approved, an impact fee would be implemented on new developments within Foley. These fees would be utilized in creating new infrastructure for the city, including roads, police, fire, and parks and recreation.
During a presentation to the council by Carson Bise, president of TischlerBise, an impact fee study was shown. Within the study, Bise highlighted the current state of Foley and the projected growth within the next ten years.
“We know where we are in 2021, we have an estimated population of about 26,000 people, about 11,000 housing units, about 13,000 jobs, and about 5.5 million square feet of nonresidential space,” Bise said. “So we look forward and project based on trends, so we’re projecting an additional increase of nearly 11,000 new persons over the next ten years, almost 6,200 new housing units, about 5,200 new jobs, and about 2.2 million additional square feet of nonresidential development activity.” Read more at