FOLEY – Foley is developing plans to repave a section of North Hickory Street as the latest project to improve city infrastructure.

The Foley City Council is scheduled to vote on a proposal to repave Hickory Street between Section Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. 

The council meeting and work session will begin at 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3.

Savings after other capital projects, including the annual resurfacing program and construction on Philomene Holmes Boulevard, came in under budget will help pay the cost of the repaving on Hickory.

Other items on the City Council agenda for Monday include:

  • A public hearing to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Amending the Zoning Ordinance to create impact fees to be charged to new developments to fund city park, recreation and transportation infrastructure.
  • Amending the city zoning ordinance.
  • Approving a petition for annexation and bringing property owned by Delaney Investments Inc. into the Foley corporate limits.
  • Purchasing three portable message board signs for the Street Department Traffic Control division.
  • Approving a change order for the Juniper Street South Extension Project.
  • Setting a public hearing to consider amending the impact fee ordinance.
  • Approving the use of restricted court cash.
  • Going to bid to purchase a 4X4 crew cab pickup truck for the Fire Department.
  • Reimbursing impact fees for Summit Church.
  • Approving a sponsorship for the National League of Cities congressional events.