Lucky to Love Foley is an event created by the Foley Main Street Board of Directors to increase business downtown when business slows down after Valentine’s Day.  Residents and Visitors alike are invited to visit Downtown Foley and if they eat at a restaurant or purchase an item or service within the Downtown Foley by March 17, 2021. Simply drop off the receipts (or a copy of) showing date, and the amount of the purchase to 120 S. McKenzie St. or any participating Main Street business with their name and email on the back. Multiple receipts earn participants multiple entries! The drawing will be for a “Pot of Gold” which contains over $800.00 worth of gift certificates and items to date from Downtown Foley Businesses.  The Downtown Foley district is approximately from S. Pine Street to N. Cypress.  And then from North Rose to South Verbena St.

A selfie with the receipt and/or with a St. Patrick’s Day theme qualifies that receipt to be entered twice. Send it in by email to or post it to Facebook or Instagram. All social media entries must be posted by noon on Wednesday, March 17th. Incomplete receipts are null and void; any inappropriate pictures will be removed and entry null and void.  For more information go to