FOLEY – Foley recognized the contributions of municipal  workers in the last year in keeping the city running efficiently and improving the community.

The city held its annual employee appreciation event Friday, March 7.

Mayor Ralph Hellmich said he and the City Council members appreciate the contributions made by Foley workers.

“Every day I hear people talk about how well run the city of Foley is. They always say, you’re doing a great job. It’s not me, it’s what you guys do, and the pride that you take in your everyday jobs,” Hellmich said. “The fact that you guys take pride in your job keeps the city running well, and it’s appreciated.”

Among the recognitions presented were the Extra Mile Award given each year to the city employee selected for contributions and efforts to the public and city.

Joanna Blue of the city Parks and Recreation Department received the award for the year.

Employees recognized for 25 years of service included Patsy Benton, Kevin Carnley and Roni Criswell.

The city presented awards for 20 years of service to Philip Brettel, Bobby Erwin, Pam Harris, Ralph Hellmich and Cindy Jackson.

Awards for 15 years of service went to Caleb Bibby, Joey Darby, Zach Farmer and Mark Irwin.

Employees recognized for 10 years of service included Daisha Barnes, Miranda Bell, Randy Cathers, Chad Christian, Micah Cotton, Taylor Davis, David Eckman, Daniel Gardner, Jacob Guthrie, Dianna Irwin, Marc Luhta, Keith Morin, Nancy Nall, Keith Nelson, Brent Vinson and Ken Wright.

The city presented awards for five years of service to Anita Allen, Samantha Blanquiset, Zevin Chavers, Laura Cooper, Raven Davis, Haley Deisner, Michelle Edwards, Ryan Harrison, Dan Hill, Beth Lamey, Paul Leonard, Jared May, Chase Medders, Nick Parden, Chad Raybon, Terri Redditt, Alex Simpson and Larry Joe Zellers.