FOLEY – A grant increase to pay the cost of intersection improvements at Alabama 59 and Baldwin County 12 is one of the items on the Foley City Council agenda for Monday, March 4.
The regular work session and meeting will start at 4 p.m. at Foley City Hall.
The council is scheduled to consider an increase in an Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program II, known as ATRIP 2, grant to help pay the cost of intersection improvements at Baldwin County 12 and Alabama 59.
The state has agreed to pay an additional $999,440 for the project increase the maximum contribution by the Alabama Department of Transportation to $2 million.
Other items on the Monday meeting agenda include:
- A public hearing to declare weeds a nuisance on a lot east of Laurel Subdivision.
- A proclamation recognizing the Rev. Monsignor Theodore Hay on his 100th birthday.
- A presentation by veterans of the Foley National Guard unit.
- A discussion of the city’s Fiscal Year 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report.
- Setting a maximum axle limit for Kenny Stabler Avenue between South Juniper Street and East Prive Boulevard.
- Waiving community development fees to the minimum for Southside Baptist Church.
- Approving a roof moisture survey for the Foley Justice Center.
- Approving and appropriating funding for Riviera Utilities for the installation of power infrastructure at the Public Works Complex.
- Declaring a Parks and Recreation Department truck and tractor surplus.
- Purchasing playground equipment for Max Griffin Park.
- Purchasing a golf cart for the Environmental Department.
- Transferring funds from capital purchases to operating in Nature Parks.
- Accepting funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature for the South Baldwin Regional Workforce Development Authority.
- Installing a new fence around the Hamburg Building.
- Setting a public hearing to consider an ordinance setting a maximum axle limit for Kenny Stabler Avenue between South Juniper Street and East Prive Boulevard.
- Purchasing a truck for the Sports Tourism Department.
- Accepting a $5-million grant from the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act for the expansion of the Graham Creek Nature Preserve.
- Approving the purchase of two kayaks as event prizes for the Nature Parks Department.
- Purchasing a truck for the Horticulture Department.
- Memorializing a training reimbursement agreement with the Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Development.
- Appointing a voting delegate to the Alabama League of Municipalities annual business session.
- Purchasing an electric truck for the Public Works Department.
- Allocating and spending capital project funds to create design development and construction plans for the armory building.
- Allocating and spending capital project funds for design and construction services for the Event Center parking lot.
- Moving forward with the design and construction documents for paving and drainage improvements for the Foley Sports Tourism Complex gravel parking lots.
- Authorizing employees to enter property on Laurel Avenue to abate a public nuisance.
- Approving a one-time donation to Foley High School ACT testing attendees.