FOLEY – With the Stars and Stripes now flying from a new location, the city of Foley’s 80-foot flagpole on Alabama 59 could soon be coming down.
The city’s 20-foot by 30-foot flag has been flying from a new pole, which is 90 feet tall, about one block from the old location. Foley officials are building a small park at the new pole site, which is located in a parking lot next to the NAPA auto parts store on the east side of Alabama 59.
Brenda Shambo, city administrative assistant, told members of the Foley Beautification Board that municipal crews have been working on ways to remove the old flagpole so that it can be moved to another location. She said the pole, however, that the cost of taking down the pole is too much to make the move economical.
“They got it to wiggle half an inch this way and half inch that way,” Shambo said. “That was about it.”
She said the city contacted the company that installed the new flagpole. Officials were told that the old pole could be removed intact at a cost of $5,500.
Foley officials will now consider plans to cut down the old pole and remove it.
The city had planned to remove the old pole and install it in front of the Riviera Utilities building on East Laurel Avenue. The pole now at the Riviera building would be moved to the Foley Veterans Park on South Alston Street.
“We gave Riviera the option of paying that if they still wanted that pole,” Shambo siad. “They declined saying they’re going to keep their pole.”
Foley officials are working to improve the area around the new 90-foot flagpole on Alabama 59.
The Beautification Board voted to approve the painting of a city-owned building next to the new flagpole. Benches and landscaping are also planned for the site.
Shambo said city officials plan to buy a new pole for the Veterans Memorial at Max Griffin Park.
The city also plans to move two artillery pieces now in front of the former Alabama National Guard armory behind City Hall to the Veterans Memorial.