Several new road projects will give Foley drivers more north-south options through the city.
Work is underway to extend Juniper Street south and west to link with Alabama 59, while a project to extend South Pecan Street also began recently. Another route, extending North Pecan Street from East Peachtree Avenue to Fern Street has been completed and is open to traffic.
The extension of Juniper Street from its current southern end at Miflin Road (Baldwin County 20) to Alabama 59 should be complete by summer. That project will cost about $4.53 million.
Mayor Ralph Hellmich said Foley is working to improve access around the city in areas such as the site of the North Pecan Street extension.
He said the project to improve access in a growing area of Foley is one of the goals of the city’s 10-year road plan.
Much of the work on North Pecan Street was done by city crews, with the asphalt work being put out to bid.
The South Pecan Street extension is part of a project that will also add routes for golf carts, bicycles and pedestrians. The project will extend the route and improve access from U.S. 98 south to beyond Baldwin County 12.