FOLEY – The city of Foley is under consideration for a fifth Distinguished Budget Award, a major national recognition for financial reporting.
The Foley City Council is scheduled to discuss the report to the Government Finance Officers Association at the council work session and meeting Monday, Dec. 4. The meeting begins at 4 p.m. in the City Council chambers at City Hall.
If the GFOA presents recognizes the city again, the award would be the fifth-consecutive Distinguished Budget Award received by the city. The recognition is one of the three awards the city has received from the GFOA for financial reporting.
Foley has received 10 consecutive Annual Comprehensive Financial Report Awards for its audit report and three consecutive Popular Annual Financial Report Awards for the city’s condensed financial summary.
Other items on the agenda for the council meeting include:
- A proclamation on the 52nd-annual United States Police Canine Association K9 Nationals competition. The competition among more than 80 teams of police dogs and their handlers from across the country was held in Foley in September. Foley police participants won several awards during the event.
- A discussion of a summary of the impact of Hurricane Sally in 2020.
- The first reading of an ordinance to rezone property owned by SCP BPG Magnolia Holdings.
- Approving a restaurant retail liquor license for Cozumel Bar and Grill on OWA Boulevard.
- Entering into the FBI Safe Street Task Force overtime reimbursement agreement for the 2024 fiscal year.
- Approving the purchase of a 2024 Ford Maverick for use by building custodians.
- Setting a public hearing to consider the rezoning of property owned by SCP BPG Magnolia Holdings.
- Setting a public hearing to declare weeds at public nuisance on a lot in East Laurel Subdivision and ordering its abatement.
- Appropriating funds and approving the 10-Plex improvements capital project. The proposal calls for adding new lights and carpeting to the batting cages in five fields at the site.
- Increasing the budget and going out to bid for up to eight Chevrolet Tahoes for the Police Department.
- Declaring eight ball-field light poles and fixtures at Mel Roberts Park surplus and disposing of the material.
- Waiving the fees for the use of the Foley Civic Center for use by the Foley Youth Football and Cheer banquet in January.