The Foley Public Library will continue to have its regular monthly programs such as Makersaurus Time, the Doki Doki Anime Club, a Saturday movie, the Adult Anime Club and Coffee & Donuts With an Author in February 2022.  However, the library also has some special programming coming up.

On Feb 8 @ 10 am, Coletta Stejskal Bailey will give a presentation at the Foley Library on identifying “Hand-made Laces.“  Lace by definition, is a thread or threads creating positive and negative spaces.  Bailey will bring many examples of the following: Cutwork or Drawn Thread, Battenberg Lace (Tape Lace), Bobbin Lace, Crochet Lace, Irish Crochet, Filet or Lacis Lace, Knitted Lace and Knotted Lace.  The history of laces will be shared as well as some interesting facts you may not know.

If you have a piece of lace or a doily and are not sure of what it is, please bring it to the presentation.  Reservations are required.  RSVP online at the library website,, or call Melanie at 251-943-1031.

Folk musicians, Hungrytown, have performed for several years at the Foley Public Library.  They are returning this year with a special Zoom performance on Thurs, Feb 17 @ 6 pm in the upstairs meeting room.

Hungrytown is comprised of members Rebecca Hall and Ken Anderson from Vermont.  Hungrytown’s soothing sound and harmonious voices have made them a favorite at the library.  They always provide a stellar performance.  Reservations are required.  You may RSVP online or call Melanie for a reservation.

In conjunction with the City of Foley, the library will be hosting a Foley Geocaching Weekend, Fri, Feb 25 – Sun, Feb 27, 2022.  This weekend of events consists of a Meet & Greet on Friday evening at a local restaurant, a Poker Run on Saturday and a Cache In Trash Out event on Sunday.

To register to attend any of the geocaching events, please go to approximately one month prior to the event and register there.  If anyone has any questions, please call Melanie at the library.

For more information on any of the listed events or programs, please contact the library at 251-943-7665 or check out the website at  You can also check out the library’s Facebook page or find the library on Instagram and Twitter.