FOLEY – Growth is expected to continue in the upcoming year according to the budget to be considered by the Foley City Council.
The City Council will meet Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 4 p.m. at Foley City Hall. The meeting was rescheduled from Monday due to the Labor Day holiday.
Among the items on the agenda is the budget for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, 2023.
The budget projects total city revenues of almost $63.72 million for the upcoming fiscal year. The total revenue in the original budget for 2023 ws $56.58 million. The final projected revenue for the 2023 fiscal year is $64.83 million.
Expenses for the upcoming fiscal year are estimated at $49.19 million. Expenses in the 2023 budget were set at $43.16 million when the year began. Final expenses were $43.56 million.
Current budget estimates for the upcoming fiscal year have revenue exceeding expenses by about $14.53 million.
The council will also hold three public hearings at the Tuesday meeting..
- A hearing will be held to consider an ordinance to create a Planned Development District. The council is also scheduled to vote on ordinance during the meeting..
- A hearing will be held to consider an ordinance to rezone property from AO, agricultural open space, to B1-A, extended business district. The council is also scheduled to vote on ordinance during the meeting..
- A hearing will be held to consider an ordinance to rezone property from B2, neighborhood business district, to R1C, residential single family. The council is also scheduled to vote on ordinance during the meeting..
Other items on the agenda for the council include:
- The first reading of an ordinance to upgrade building codes relating to the inspection activities of the city and enforcing the code provisions and fire safety.
- Amending the East Verbena Avenue parking improvements contract for construction services and soliciting bids.
- Approving the monthly Riviera Utilities charges for new street lighting being installed for Ivan Jones Stadium on North Pine Street.
- Soliciting bids and appropriating funding for the new Public Works complex construction project.
- Approving the use of Heritage Park by the Jehovah Witness Community to display Bible literature until Jan. 1, 2024.
- Approving a professional services agreement with Thompson Engineering for improvements at the intersection of Hickory Street and Michigan Avenue.
- Waiving fees for the use of the Heritage Park and pavilion for Adrian Hill and Golden Knight General Konstruction Annual Alzheimer’s Remembrance Walk fundraiser.
- Waiving rental fees for the Foley Professional Firefighters Union at the Coastal Alabama Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Market.
- Approving the sponsorship of the Sister City Program 5-K Fundraiser.
- Approving the Capstone Engineering Group professional services proposal for the existing drainage issues along Parkwood Drive in the Parkwood Drive subdivision.
- Accepting the Planning Commission’s approval of subdivision regulation amendments.
- Rescheduling upcoming council meeting dates due to holidays.
- Accepting an equipment bid and installation proposal for the Foley Public Safety Radio System.
- Appropriating funds for three unbudgeted capital projects for school crosswalk improvements.
- Submitting a Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Aviation Administration pre-application and application for an airport terminals program under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the Foley Public Airport.
- Approving the submittal of a Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Aviation Administration/Alabama Department of Transportation grant pre-application and application for an airport improvement project at the Foley Municipal Airport.
- Moving forward with the School Partnership Facilities Upgrade Project.
- Approving the submittal of a Fiscal Year 2024 FAA/ALDOT grant pre-application and application for an airport infrastructure grant at the Foley Municipal Airport for reimbursement for the construction of a T-hangar building.
- Setting a public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend the code and fee schedule of the 2018 International Building Code.
- Accepting the results of an annexation referendum for the Mills Community.
- Approving the installation of 55 new street lights and monthly service in the Mills Community along Bodenhamer Road, Sandy Ridge Road, Angie Drive, Lymon Lane and Pettibone Lane.