FOLEY – Work on the east side of Heritage Park and Jessamine Avenue is underway as Foley continues to make improvements downtown.

The project will provide walkways, columns and access linking the pedestrian bridge over Alabama 59, across the park and to City Hall, Mayor Ralph Hellmich said.

“That is starting at the clock tower with a walkway that crosses the park with a gateway entrance on the east side,” Hellmich said. “This will complete the park on all four sides. We will carry that project to pave Jessamine eastward over to City Hall. This will provide a nice walkway all the way to City Hall.”

The project includes a gate and wall section to be built on the east side of the park at the intersection of Jessamine Avenue. Pavers will be placed between the gate and the Centennial Clock on the west side of the park. 

Construction of the wall foundation is about 70% complete. The next phase of the project will include pouring the lower section of the wall and placing the bricks.

Work on the pavers and walkway will be timed to avoid conflicts with activities in Heritage Park.

The city is also replacing existing wooden light poles that hold halogen lighting on the south side of the park with decorative black poles holding LED lights. The LED lights are more efficient and will provide more illumination.

Other Foley projects are also in the work, including improvements on East Verbena Avenue. The city improved parking and access near businesses on East Verbena near Alabama 59. Upcoming plans include extending the road to the east to link with streets near the site where the new library is under construction.