The Foley City Council will meet in a joint regular/work session in council chambers on Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. During the meeting the council will discuss:
Funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for headwater restoration for Wolf Creek and Sandy Creek.
Approving paid bills from the monthly expense report for a total of $7.6 million.
Monthly reports from revenue, Community Development Department and the police department.
During the month, the city collected $3.1 million in sales tax which was $500,000 over the previous year and $848,000 over budget projections. Foley collected $137,609 in lodging taxes or about $9,000 less than the previous year and $37,000 over budget projections.
The Building Department issued 32 building permits for single family residential with a valuation of $7.7 million and one commercial permit with a valuation of $400,000. That’s compared to 54 residential permits issued in October of 2021.
During October, the police department processed 273 prisoners, had 160 misdemeanor arrests, 49 felony arrests and nine for DUI. There were 17 arrests for theft, 17 for shoplifting and 13 for simple assault for domestic violence.
Approving a liquor license for Hatties located at 15397 State Route 59.
A resolution to accept a $50,000 grant from the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to help pay $50,000 toward a $300,000 project for bathrooms and playground at Wolf Creek Park.
Reappointing Carolyne Hollis to the Revitalization and Beautification Advisory Board.
Approval of $19,325 to relocate fiber cables at the Justice Center after a regrading of the parking lot there made them too low to the ground and they have been hit several times.
Signing a purchase agreement with ISO Network for $22,455 for three years for a license plate recognition sensor kit for the police department.
Approving a budget increase for the Sanitation Department for a 2024 Freight Liner for $180,000 and a 2023 International flat bed for $80,000. The Freight Liner will be used in areas where the regular garbage trucks can’t go and the International will replace a 2000 F-350.
A resolution approving a contract for the city’s reinsurance/stop loss for the 2023 calendar year.
Approving the purchase of a 2023 International CV515 sign truck for the Street Department for $150,000 to replace a 2012 F-350.
Approving the purchase of a 2023 International CV 515 shop truck for $150,000 for the Maintenance Department.
Approving contracts with Volkert for $2,500 and GeoCon for $25,000 for wetland delineation and inspections and construction materials testing for the city’s new public works facility.
A contract to ReThinking Libraries for $15,000 for a professional design advocacy and consulting service to help determine trends and future needs for space and potential for new programs. The council will also consider approving Williams Blackstock Architects proposal for the design of the new library.
Appointing David Vosloh to the Public Athletic and Sports Facilities Cooperative/Public Cultural and Entertainment Facilities Cooperative District.
A change order for the airport’s taxiway pavement project in the amount of $14,845 to repair damage done when a pilot disregarded the order not to use the runway before the new surface had completely dried. The repair won’t be covered by the FAA grant and the city will seek reimbursement from the pilot for the cost.
Creating a new special events application policy requiring applications if there are multiple vendors on one property, a parade for street closures, serving or selling alcohol on public property or activities on park property with more than 250 people expected in attendance.
Approval for a reel mower for $81,602, a robotic painter for $45,500 and front mount mower for $31,945 the Sports Tourism Department.
Purchasing a pull behind mower for $15,000 to be used at the Coastal Alabama Farmer’s and Fishermen’s Market and school fields in the city.
Consider a sponsorship request of $3,000 from the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program for its annual breakfast meeting on Dec. 15 at the Mobile Convention Center.