With the hiring of Wayne Dyess to the new position of Executive Director of Infrastructure and Development the city of Foley has finished a redo of the it’s organizational chart in an effort to streamline services and interaction within departments.
“We started looking at our organizational structure early last year in an effort to reorganize based upon the continued rapid growth of the city,” City Administrator Michael Thompson said. “Historically, all of the 22 city departments reported directly to me for day-to-day operations. We believed that we needed to enhance the senior management to help in directing city goals and plans as we continued to grow.”
Dyess will oversee four departments, Planning/Inspections, Engineering, Environment and Public Works.
Mayor Ralph Hellmich said Dyess’ local government with Baldwin County as administrator and the City of Fairhope as Planning Director will be an asset to the city and his new role.
“Wayne brings a lot of experience to us,” Hellmich said. “He is very familiar with Foley since he grew up here and his parents still reside in Foley. He has a background in county, municipal administration and extensive experience in planning. With our growth in this area having those backgrounds is a real plus for us.”
The four senior management positions are Executive Director of General Government and Administrations, Executive Director of Leisure Services, Executive Director of Public safety and Dyess fills the final role over infrastructure and development.
Michael Thompson is over government/administration and departments under his direction are Human Resources, City Clerk, Revenue, Financial Services, Municipal Complex, Marketing, Economic Development, Information Technology and Municipal Court.
David Thompson is Leisure Services including the Library, Senior Center, Graham Creek Perserve/Nature Parks, Recreation, Parks, Sports Tourism and Horticulture.
Former Police Chief David Wilson is over public safety including the police and fire departments.