Foley High School Lion Pride Robotics Teams, led by Foley High Teacher, Thomas Thorjusen, finished 2nd place out of 44 robotics teams at the Brewbaker Technology Magnet High School’s 7th Annual VEX Robotics Alabama State Qualifying Event in Montgomery this Saturday. Lion Pride Team 8293A, Matt and Zach VanWelzen and Cole Smith allianced with BrewBaker Team 4828P making it through the Quarter and Semi Finals to the last and final match of the day against Loveless Academic Magnet Prog High School and Pike Road Schools. They put up a good fight but ultimately lost 20 to 10 in the end. Team 8293A brought home the 2nd place Tournament Finalist trophy.
Team 8293X, led by Kyle Kovalchick and Devin Spivey dominated the morning winning all five of their qualifying matches and ranking number one by lunch. They had top pick for the alliance selection out of 44 teams in the afternoon. They worked through the bracketed single elimination matches in the afternoon and losing their only match of the day in the semi-finals.
Team 8293X did score the highest in the solo “Skills” game bringing home the Skills Champion Trophy. They are currently ranked number 1 in the state of Alabama, 161st in the United States out of approximately 1300 teams.
Foley High School Lions Pride Robotics Teams, with the support of the South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce, the City of Foley, Auburn’s SCORE Robotics and many volunteers, will host their first tournament at the Foley Sports Tourism Event Center on December 15th.
Foley, the South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce, local industry and Baldwin County Schools are commited to STEM education. With their help and through Auburn SCORE Robotics Education Mission 100 grants, Swift School, Magnolia School, Foley Intermediate, Foley Elementary and Summerdale School all have robotics programs and equipment for students to learn skills in problem-solving, collaboration, computer science, math, technology and engineering.
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