FOLEY – Work is nearing completion on the Juniper Street extension that will create a new north-south route to allow local traffic to bypass areas of Alabama 59.
The extension should be open by the end of November, Jeff Phillips, Foley construction project manager, said.
Phillips said the contractor began paving the binder layer last week. Most of the curb and sidewalk has been laid on the north side of the intersection and the signal pole materials are being delivered.
Crews are scheduled to place striping in the next two weeks after the asphalt has had time to cure.
Phillips said construction is on schedule to be completed within the next month.
As part of the project, the intersection of Juniper Street and Miflin Road, Baldwin County 20, has been closed since September. Traffic on what is now the south end of Juniper Street has been detoured to allow work to continue.
That work included the realignment of the intersection.
The project has also included the installation of new mast arms, mast arm poles and signal heads. New sidewalks on both sides of Juniper as well as curbs, gutters, a transition curb and the milling of transitions for the new paving will also be completed as part of the final phase of construction.
When completed, the extension will also improve access in an area where more commercial development is taking place. Construction is underway on at least two new hotels as well as other projects near Juniper.
The road also provides access to the Tanger Outlet on the east side as well as several other businesses in the area.
Construction began in 2022. McElhenny Construction received the contract for the project after the City Council accepted its bid of $4.53 million.